Yolky Slime


Yolky Slime
TypeDietFavourite FoodFavourite ToyGames


  • The Rainbow Fields
  • Starlight Strand
  • Powderfall Bluffs
  • Ember Valley



Yolky slimes are a strange and elusive type of slime sometimes found near wild chickens on Rainbow Island. But unlike tabby slimes, their intent is not to hunt, for within their warm, golden center lies an enduring love for chickens. Such is the power of this glowing affection that it sometimes inspires nearby hens to produce a rare delight: a giant egg full of chicks and yolky plorts.


Yolky slimes can only inspire the production of giant eggs when nearby chickens are able to reproduce -- they're not miracle workers -- so if hens and roostros are too crowded, giant eggs will be a rare occurrence indeed. Slime ranchers should also note that giant eggs will only produce yolky plorts when they are fresh and the yolk inside is still glowing.


Yolky plorts are highly valued for their concentrated nutrients, containing an extremely potent variant of vitamin D that allows people to reduce their sunlight intake for long periods of time, making them popular with cosmic pioneers, deep sea explorers, and gamers. But though yolky plorts can replace the physical need for sunlight, they can never replace the warmth you feel when it touches your face, and the comfort it offers to know that the sun rose once more in your world. To be a stranger to that and still have hope for tomorrow would require the strongest of convictions.