Saber Slime


Saber Slime
TypeDietFavourite FoodFavourite ToyGames
harmfulmeatStego Buddy1, 2


  • The Wilds



The mosaic slime gets its name from the glittering array of glass tiles that cover its body. This glass produces a similar anomaly found in the desert itself, making the mosaic slime beautiful, but quite dangerous. Though saber slimes are carnivores, the largos in The Wilds display a curious habit of bundling the rare kookadoba fruit into bundles of sticks, mud, and slime that become rock-hard in time. Only Ogden's specially engineered kookacrackers are capable of breaking them


Most saber slime largos found in The Wilds are feral, looking to take a bite out of whatever they see. They're also incredibly agile for slimes, capable of powerful jumps that allow them to bound off other surfaces before targeting their prey If you encounter a horde of feral saber slime largos, watch your back so you don't get flanked.


Saber plorts are collected for their historical value, offering a window into the primitive past of the Far, Far Range. Some slime scientists have tried to extract the slime DNA from these plorts in order to recreate a true saber slime, but all have failed. And honestly, that's probably for the better, because as soon as that happens some charming billionaire would be talking about making a whole theme park to view them in captivity and then...


  • Only spawn as Largo Slimes.
  • Can pick up Food similarly to the Tabby Slime.
  • Capable of bouncing off walls in order to change direction in midair towards its intended target.
  • Are found feral in The Wilds.