Lucky Slime


Lucky Slime
TypeDietFavourite FoodFavourite ToyGames
specialmeat1, 2


  • The Dry Reef
  • The Moss Blanket
  • The Indigo Quarry
  • The Ancient Ruins
  • The Glass Desert



Lucky slimes are a strange variant of tabby slimes that seem to have a fascination with shiny objects, particularly newbuck coins. A lucky slime gobbles up any coin it can find, giving it a distinct jingling sound as it moves about. However, coins don't make for a balanced diet and a lucky slime will still greedily devour meat of any kind. In doing so, its body bursts with a shower of newbucks, leaving little room left in its slimy tummy. This burst often sends the lucky slime flying into the air. Upon detecting a rancher, the lucky slime will soon make a hasty retreat. No known rancher has been skilled enough, or perhaps lucky enough, to capture one of these slippery slimes.


Lucky slimes pose the same risk to ranchers as other rare slimes: mainly, accidents in pursuit which can lead to demise. The promise of a small fortune when encountering a lucky slime has led to more than a few ranchers head-first into the slime sea. This occurrence has led some of the more superstitious ranchers to see the lucky slime as a bad omen, or the universe testing their greed. These ranchers will ignore lucky slimes altogether, even purposefully shooing them away. Well, until you hear those newbucks jingling, and then, maybe just one shot wouldn't hurt...


A lucky slime isn't known to produce plorts of any kind. Leading slime scientists believe this to be the result of the lucky slime not being a true slime variant. Rather, lucky slimes are believed to be just an abnormal tabby slime: one whose color has faded as a result of ingesting so many coins. It is perhaps this very change that also led to ceasing plort production.