Painted Hens are the colorful chicken variants found in the Glass Desert. It is unknown what caused their rainbow-like plumage to occur. One theory suggests their colors are a biological mimicry of the prismatic glass found within the desert, while another theory states that their wild colors made them the dominant mates of Cluck Kingdoms and thus were banished to the desert by a coalition of jealous chickens who couldn't compete with these fashionable fouls. But the latter theory is only believed by one strange person, so we're not sure why it would have been included here.
Painted Hens in close proximity to roostros will periodically lay eggs that produce painted chickadoos. However, keeping too many hens or roostros in close proximity make them anxious and egg production will come to a halt. Savvy ranchers with an understanding of the complex nature of chicken romance always keep their coops from exceeding 12 grown chickens.